Thank You Howard Thurman!

Two nights ago, I watched our President falter. He looked beaten down. He gained some strength as the minutes passed, but it did not seem enough.

Howard Thurman experienced many moments of being pushed down. He lived in the Jim Crow era. Yet his sermons and meditations draw from a deep reserve of hope and love. Rather than respond to hate with anger, he responded with love. Here are two of his quotes:

These words stengthen me and can strengthen all of us. Life is always full of challenges. Thurman talked about the "growing edge," drawing that inspiration from trees. Joan Halivax talks about "Life at the Edge." I should not fear failure. I need, instead, to reach to my center, to the center we all share, for the "beauty of forgotten joy or unrembered peace" and continue to strive to bring that joy and peace to others and myself. Thank you, Howard.