Rev. Betty Hurley
Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister
End of Life
End-of Life Resources
The End of Life Doula- Who, Why, When?
Although over 70% of Americans say they would prefer to die at home, over 70% of Americans die in the hospital, often in the ICU Unit. There are many reasons why so many have their last moments where they did not wish to be, but one is often our reluctance to approach the topic of death with family and friends.
An End of Life Doula can help facilitate those conversations. Knowledgeable about options in the area for those facing medical challenges, they can work with the patient and their family and friends to identify the best option for their situation. And End of Life Doula can also assist the family with identifying and completing a legacy project- perhaps a photo album or a music collection or collage. And, if wanted, a plan for the final days can be written down so family and friends know what is desired even if the patient becomes unable to communicate wishes.
After a death, the End of Life Doula continues to work with family and friends as they grieve.
You may have heard of a Birth Doula, someone who contracts with an expecting couple to assist through the pregnancy and birthing process. Henry Fersko-Weiss, Executive Director of the International End of Life Doula Association and creator of the term, End of Life Doula, built his model on that of the Birth Doula. He even took their training to gain ideas for how to train an End of Life Doula.
The role of End of Life Doula is still quite new. Training programs are increasing. They include training from the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA), which also maintains a director of End of Life Doulas. The University of Vermont has a certificate program, available fully online.
For further information, check out some of these resources:
The International End of Life Doula Organization (includes resources and directory):
End of Life Doula Training through Lifespan (includes resources):
AARP article about End of Life Doulas:
Huffpost article about End of Life Doulas:
This resource is not specifically for end-of-life, but is a resource to provide educational support resources for patients, survivors, and loved ones who are challenged with a Mesothelioma diagnosis. Navigating a new cancer diagnosis can be incredibly overwhelming. Their experienced patient advocacy team is dedicated to walking patients through the treatment options available, connecting them with top doctors, and answering any questions.
Companion Pet End-of-Life Doula
Check out these resources:
Association for Pet Loss Bereavement- has a chat room; list of support chaplains; support groups; resources
International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC)
Mission: The IAAHPC promotes comfort care that addresses the physical, psychological, and social needs of animals with chronic and/or life-limiting diseases. We promote physical, emotional, and spiritual support for caregivers. We also educate professionals and advance research in the field of animal hospice and palliative care.
Virtual Pet Cemetery
This site accepts pet photos and epitaphs.
Pet Loss Hotlines
Article from veterinarypartner.com about pet loss hotlines
Cornell Pet Loss Hotline
Tufts University Pet Support Hotline
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Companion Animal Related Emotions (CARE) Pet Loss Helpline
Toll-free hotline: 877-394-2273
Availability: Wednesday afternoons, 1:00-5:00 pm
Notes: We will return calls within 24 hours if you leave a message outside of those hours.
ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline
877-GRIEF-10 (toll free)Pet Loss Support Groups
I could not find anything in the county I am moving to. The closest pet loss support group is in Ithaca, New York.
Pet Loss Support Group
Cathie Simpson, Ithaca NY
Online Pet Loss Support
Facebook Support Groups
Pet Psychologist- Dr. Katie Lawlor- online support groups along with FB page
Virtual Support Group- Russell Elleven
If this is helpful at all, please consider letting your clients know of my monthly virtual (zoom) support group for animal companion loss. Folks who are anticipating the death of a companion are certainly welcome too. The meeting is held on the first Wednesday of the month (Oct 7th upcoming) at 8:00 pm (ET). Participants just need to email me (relleven@gmail.com) and I'll get the login info to them. There is no fee charged for attending.
Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet
by Gary KowalskiLosing My Best Friend: Thoughtful support for those affected by dog bereavement or pet loss
by Jeannie WycherleyThe Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog
by Eugene O'Neill (written for his wife on the loss of their Dalmatian)When Your Pet Dies: A Guide to Mourning, Remembering and Healing
by Alan D. Wolfelt PhDGoing Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die
by Jon KatzAnimal Reiki ~ using energy to heal the animals in your life. By Elizabeth Fulton and Kathleen Prasad- from Susan Haces
Counseling Skills for Companioning the Mourner by Alan Wolfeit- from Susan Haces
Jasper's Day [about a dog's last day]
Other Resources. (online)
Resources from Cornell Vet Hospital:
Resources from University of Florida Vet Hospital:
Pet Library (can search by keywords or by letter)
VetVine- online resource for vets and pet owners (hosts online pet loss support groups)
End-of-Life Toolkit (from Module 2 of course)
Recommended Website (from classmate Robin Scov)
This site contains pet loss support groups and many other resources.
Pet Chaplain Site- possible model for end-of-life doula site?
Beyond The Rainbow Bridge (PET LOSS SONG) - Trina Belamide
Animal Reiki
What is animal reiki and how it complements our doula practice
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