
As I checked the news today I saw an item about another mass shooting in California. It barely made the news. Have we become so used to mass shootings? I'm afraid we have.

I'm reading a book, "The Children of Cain" by Ann Monfredo. It's part of a series about the civil war. The main characters are fictional, Kathryn and Bronwyn. One is a nurse, the other a spy. Through Kathryn, the nurse, we see the war from the view of one caring for the wounded. It is horrific. This was in the 1860s. Our weapons have become even more destructive. And the violence continues.

The reference to Cain is to the biblical Cain who murders his brother Abel out of jealousy. Violence has always been with us. Is it our destiny?

My reflection today is on how we can address violence in our world. I don't have any answers at the moment. Suggestions?